This weekend, I am involved in the running of a community event; the Tingira Challenge. It’s a 15km race for paddlers from Rose Bay in and around south head; this includes surf skis, ocean skis, outriggers, SUP and other craft. Shark Island Paddlers run this event and I am the treasurer of the club as well as the Race Director. To qualify for various financial and other concessions from the council we are required to donate all our proceeds/surplus to a charity.  Giving to charity is great though Shark Island Paddlers and other paddling clubs are in need of the funds as much as the charities we are supporting.

Shark Island Paddlers itself could qualify as a charity as it has the sole purpose to promote and provide paddling and is a not for profit entity. Many sporting clubs; both large (Penrith Panthers for example) and small are registered charities and they qualify as they provide a community service and are not for profit.

As a charity we would be regulated by the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) and be required to prepare and provide audited accounts for the ACNC. To become a charity takes some time and $$ and to remain a compliant charity requires $$ and time.

The not for profit sector in Australia is booming as organisations and individuals see the potential for operating out of this structure that receive significant tax and other concessions.

More details for the event can be found at

You can also find out more about the government standards for NPO’s at

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for an insider view of the exciting event!

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