Business Planning

I recently presented on business planning… this made me think about my own experience. When I started a business in 2001 I did not have a thorough plan and I came into business under a franchise model and thought the franchisor looked after these...

NSW OSR Grant to Business Owners

A grant is available for all small business owners for increasing employee numbers by 1 and maintaining it for 12 months. There are of course details you need to be aware of. The grant is $2,000 for a full time employee. We are more than happy to help you apply for...

When can I access my Super?

When you reach preservation age and that broadly is the legislated minimum age before which a pension cannot be commenced. In recent times, the “magic age” for accessing a pension from your superfund has been 55 years of age. However, from 1 July 2015 this...

XY Advisors

Often there is confusion on the roles of accountants and financial advisors and there are grey areas… Basically accountants cannot give you financial advice unless they are also a financial services business; I cannot advise you where to invest your money. I...

Business and Environment

Depending on whom you listen to in the media or your friendly punters at the pub you could think any green or environmental change is the enemy of running a decent business and even a threat to our lifestyles… Many more consumers and small businesses are...

Tax Advantages of SME Businesses – Number 2

A SME is a Small or Medium Enterprise (business)! The CAPITAL GAINS TAX concessions on selling a business or business asset for an SME owner are compelling! They include: –       The 50% general CGT Discount for owning an asset for...

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