Skydiving – The greatest experience!!!

After postponing for months and always finding an excuse not to go, I finally went Skydiving on the weekend with a group of 8 friends. We chose a company located in Wyong, about one hour and 30 minutes north of Sydney.  We got to the drop zone around 1pm, checked...

Changes to Employee Share Schemes

The government has announced that, effective 1 July 2015, it will claw back many of the former government’s changes to the taxation of Employee Share Schemes.  Many of the changes are directed at start-up companies. While the Treasurer will consult with...

Are Australians taxed highly?

A recent Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) data reveals Australia is in fact the fifth-lowest taxed nation of the 34 OECD member countries. (Statistics are taken from 2012 or the latest available year.) The study was based on tax...

Why build a business for Sale…

Most business owners are looking for increased profit this year, next year, revenue growth or more life balance – or some combination of this! What about selling a business? Here are five reasons why building a sellable business should be your most important...

Uber changing the Game!

The onset of Uber is interesting and a lot of friends have adopted it and swear by it!  They like it because cars turn up promptly, the cars are nicer and it is easier to use… It sounds great and gives you more options to get around in a decent vehicle...

Merivale changing the game in business and social!

I always find it interesting when an idea or a player in an industry changes the game! A couple that come to mind at present is Uber v Taxi and Merivale in entertainment in Sydney.  Merivale has been around Sydney for decades in the form of Slipp Inn, Angel...

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